Product Description
- 35W microdischarge lamps with a 3.8 mm arc length mounted on a P32-d base
Product Features
- Lamp voltage approx. 85 V
- Not suitable for ‘fast run-up' mode
- Characteritic life 500 h (switching frequency 1x per 12 h), however certain power supplies can increase the lamplife to 2700 h
- Burning position horizontal ±10°
- Comply with IEC 61/1:7004-111-1
Product Benefits
- Produce radiation in the UV part of the spectrum
- Non-destructive testing
- Sea and canal marking
- Display applications
- Short distance navigation
- Fingerprint retrieval
- Sea rescue
- Hardening of glues
- Fire fighters' uniforms
- Industrial applications
- Theatre
- Can only be used with an electronic ballast and starter
- Hot restrike and quick start not possible