HQI-TS 150 W/D RX7S-24Product Description
- Double-envelope, double-ended Metal halide lamps
Product Features
- Quartz discharge tube
- Double-ended lamps housed in a tubular clear UV-Block quartz evacuated outer envelope
- Restricted burning position
Product Benefits
- All types are UV-Block for reduced health and fading risks
- High efficiency
- Uniform distribution of light
- Good to excellent color rendering
- Long life time
- Hot restrike capable
- Indoors - accent lighting, general lighting in downlighters, e.g. in shops and malls
- Downlighters, uplighters and wall-washers, e.g. in shops and malls
- Outdoors - floodlighting monuments, facades and billboards
- These lamps must be used in a luminaire with a hard-glass cover to protect against possible discharge tube shattering